Singing and flying.
During the spring in marshy areas we have a chance to witness the courting flight of the beautiful Bluethroat. In recent years, it has become even more common to see this bird in the Netherlands. The species is thriving here and the Bluethroat can be spotted in more and more places. It is found mainly in scrubland near reeds and water, in heathland habitat.
Not many European birds have such a bright blue color in their plumage. Only in breeding season does the male have this beautiful blue breast, marked with a black and reddish-brown band.
The bird undoubtedly owes its popularity not only to this striking color, but also to its exuberant behavior. In springtime, the male shows his blue breast and rufous tail spots while flying and singing. Much like the Nightingale, its song is variable, though it sounds higher and weaker in volume.
Females and males outside the breeding season appear more dull in colour but can always be recognized by the red-brown in the tail and the white eyebrow line. The juvenile is striped and could be mistaken for a different bird, but it also has the characteristic rufous colour in the tail.
Its distribution area in Europe is scattered, and in the UK the Bluethroat is a true rarity.
The kit:
The model contains 2 sheets which need to be printed on 120 gr paper. The kit also has 6 sheets with instructions which need not to be printed. Or watch the
instructions in the youtube video.
The model shows the bird singing, which required a new design for the head. This new design is slightly more complicated than other heads of bird models. Mounting is made easier and more accurate with a reinforcement piece. To make the beak you need wood glue and acrylic paint or a black waterproof marker.
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